Marketer Who Just Learned HTML Insists to Be Called “Technical Marketer”
Digital marketer self-titles himself as a "technical marketer" after taking online HTML course.

SALT LAKE CITY – Digital marketer and growth hacker Michael Cazorla claims that he now belongs in the category of "technical marketer" after finishing a 9 hours HTML5 Codecademy course.
"Whether you like it or not, writing HTML is still coding. And if you can code, you're technical. That's how I see it." says Michael. However, his programmer colleague started to get worried as he's trying to build his own newsletter template from scratch on SendGrid.
"I'm all for everyone learning to program, but he's been dabbling on that template for 4 hours." says his coworker, front-end developer Robert Carlson. "I asked him if I can help with the template since it'll only took me a couple of minutes, he repeatedly said 'he got it', in a raising tone. Oh well."
Michael also changed his LinkedIn title to "Technical Marketer." When asked if he's worried that it'll be too early to call himself technical, Michael cites: "You have to know and acknowledge your skills and what you have achieved. It's the first step in battling impostor syndrome."
As the interview was wrapping, Michael was still crafting his HTML email, figuring out why the spacing between the unordered lists' bullet points "just ain't right."