Serious Tech News: Alright, What's New?

As you might have noticed, it’s been a while since I sent you an email. Sorry about that! These couple of weeks, I’ve been busy working on the main Serious Tech News website and creating longer-form satire articles. Some articles I’ve published in the past few weeks (pardon the ugly site as I’m still working on it with my garbage CSS skill):

I realized that trying to keep up and satirizing the tech world on a week-to-week basis in a short newsletter form is quite difficult since it’s harder to capture the whole nuance and absurdity with what effectively are one-liner jokes. Also, because sometimes they are already f*cking funny by themselves.

Starting from now, I will focus on writing articles on the main site (at least one piece per week) and sending them right to your inbox via this newsletter every Monday. I might also migrate out of Substack in the near future!

Now with that in mind: if this is not what you signed up for, please feel free to unsubscribe. I really mean it!

Although I’d love to have you on the mailing list as I also have ideas for more exclusive content in mind (e.g., podcast or Weekend Update style news program). I’m still tinkering with STN, and honestly, I can’t wait to continue creating fun shit.

If you choose to hang around: I want to let you know that I really, really appreciate it, and you will be blessed with whatever you want for the rest of your life.

If after reading the articles you thought to yourself, “I can write something funnier”, you know what? You’re probably right!

No experience in writing a satire/comedy piece? No worries, I’ll work with you on that. All you have to do is to pitch 4 headline ideas to!

If you have any other ideas for STN or want to collaborate with me on something, I’m also all ears :)

Again, thank you for being here! I’d also appreciate it if you can also help spread the word about Serious Tech News to anyone that wants to hear about it, ideally someone that you’re kinda okay with but not too close in case they hate it e.g., your in-laws.

Stay safe! Better times are on the way. ✌️